Weekend Report from Scenic City


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2002
Chattanooga, TN
Randy and Reed Johnson have fished with me several times... and usually we've had great trips. I guess we were due for a bad one. :(

Instead of catfish, they wanted a few crappie for the freezer. We had to postpone our March date due to storms and floods on Chickamauga Lake. We got better weather Saturday, but we all still sort of knew what was coming. We just hoped the warm weather might make a difference. Wishful thinking...

We did find one little pocket of fish... we probably caught about 20 in an hour. Unfortunately there were only four keepers (1 TARP).


Reed will turn 80 years old in July. I sure pray I can motivate as well as he does when I hit the big 8-0!

We hit several other spots without succes and threw in the towel about 2 o'clock. I'm done with Spring crappie fishing... Mother Nature threw us a killer curve ball this year. Put this one in the books, stick a fork in it, the fat lady has sung (IMHO). I am on to catfish and other piscatorial species.

Which is what I did Sunday AM. Lots of water in the system so TVA is generating full blast. That makes it tough fishing Chickamauga Dam tailwaters, but I gave it a shot along with several other folks from the Chattanooga Fishing Forum.

I asked Drumking to preach a sermon for us. He respectfully declined, opting to preach to the stripers instead... and leaving me to pray for good striper luck on my own. As I heard recently, God answers EVERY prayer, but sometimes the answer is "No." :(

I committed to stripers for an hour or so... no bites for me. Drumking even tried to give me a secret lure, but he threw it in the river instead. It sucks to get old. :grin:

Reliable's son, Addison" embarassed us all by capturing a striper and then "parading down the river" in front of us all while he battled it. I caught a little bit of video of them as they screamed by in the current. Here's the "regular picture."


Drumking caught a 26-plus-pound beast!


I gave up on stripers when the sun got up and went looking for a brown fish. Not counting one fat little spot, one bite on the pig & jig was the only thing between me and a skunk. Whew! Life is good and gettin' better every day.



Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2003
Columbia, TN
I drove down to the dam Friday afternoon to throw a lure from the bank, hoping against better judgement for a kamikaze fish to entertain me. Saw a couple of boats fishing the far side. Figured you weren't them, but I did have to wonder.

Hope to need to give you a call before long!

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