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USC Coaching Search


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2013
Luke would be the one if I had to guess gets it.
If you mean Fickell, I don't see it. Luke just isn't an LA/Hollywood type of guy. He and his wife are devout Catholics and that just doesn't fit in out there. Notre Dame and Ohio State are 1b and 1a for him, but both are probably a long wait. I can see him at LSU, however.

James Franklin.
Coming from a Tennessee Fan, USC is in the same boat as Tennessee...a former Power House Program trying to relive the glory days. Sadly Saban has raised the bar so high that it is expected that every coach should win a conference title / compete in the playoff every year. The reality is that Football programs should consider themselves blessed if they are winning 8 - 10 games a year and competing for a conference title every couple of years. USC / Tennessee / Texas / Auburn Fans, we all need to lower our expectations, the run Bama is on has never happened before and probably will never happen again.
When I think of USC I think of them back in their hey day in the 70's. Not much since. I think their biggest claim to fame (or shame) was probably OJ Simpson. What he did on the field was remarkable. He should truly be honored for what he did on the field no doubt. But then again what he did off the field is a crying shame.
When I think of USC I think of them back in their hey day in the 70's. Not much since. I think their biggest claim to fame (or shame) was probably OJ Simpson. What he did on the field was remarkable. He should truly be honored for what he did on the field no doubt. But then again what he did off the field is a crying shame.
I think of the Pete Carrol Years....8 straight conference titles, multiple heisman winners, and national titles!
When I think of USC I think of them back in their hey day in the 70's. Not much since. I think their biggest claim to fame (or shame) was probably OJ Simpson. What he did on the field was remarkable. He should truly be honored for what he did on the field no doubt. But then again what he did off the field is a crying shame.
USC had a stout run from 2002-2008 with 2 National Championships, but you probably didn't care about college ball those years.

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