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Two misses in a row!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2010
Middle TN
Two misses in a row, at stationary 50yd coyotes. This is ridiculous!!!
First time, from a lock on, standing broadside on a black coyote (my dream). Using a new 300blk, shooting subs. Shot under. Super frustrated, but chalked it up to new upper and ACOG scope. Still, all sight in shots had been great.
This morning, brought out the old trusty AR 5.56, never miss rifle, back in the lock on. Ran mouse call, nothing. Switched to snowshoe and within 30 seconds here he came, nice red one. Waiting for him to stop, 50yds again, crosshairs locked on, dead dog. Nope. Miss again. Two misses, and I never miss stationary coyotes.
The only thing I can figure is I am hitting a twig from this elevated position. Scope line of sight isn't bore line. May have to switch to ground, but I lose a lot of distance visibility.
How many time can you say F&$@ in a row?
Hate that, but it happens. Don't beat yourself up over it. Definitely check to be sure there are no obstructions.

Good luck, hope you get another chance on the black one.

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