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Turkey Hunting Shelby Forest


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
Somerville, TN
I received a permit to hunt one of the turkey hunts this year at Shelby Forest. Never hunted their before. Any ideas or suggestions on how and where to hunt out their? Any information would be appreciated.
Which hunt did you draw? I will also be hunting there. I got the first hunt (April 1, 3, and 6). I think I know someone who will be able to get me going in the right direction. I'm planning to call him this week.
I haven't been out yet, but they should be gobbling some by now.

I don't know if you've gotten your permit in yet Camaro, but I got mine yesterday at it says:

"All hunters are required to register and obtain a free permit at the park headquarters (901) 876-5215"

I assume that you can get this permit anytime before the hunt, so you may want to try and get it while your there.
I am kind of late to the party but my buddy and I were also drawn for the first week hunts at Shelby Forest. This is my first public land hunt of any kind. We have done some scouting and I think we have a good spot in mind. Good luck to yall.

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