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Turkey huntin CRP


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Franklin TN
Anyone had much luck around CRP fields? Like real nasty, thick overgrown ones. Good nesting habitat yes, but what about gobbler hunting? Maybe in the tree line near a stream or river? Gobblers might hang out in the trees where it's easier to see and strut, breed the hens, then the hens are right next to good nesting cover? Just thinking. Anyone hunted this type of terrain?
As mentioned, hens certainly nest in it but I don't see gobblers spending much time in/around. I did kill a bird once that had followed a hen headed to her nest in an area like this late one morning. I kept tabs on 2 gobblers and a hen all morning waiting until hopefelly, she left them to go lay an egg. They'd followed her into this mess long enough to figure out she had no more interest in them and finally headed back the way they'd come.

The sun was high in the sky when I finally pulled the trigger on the bigger of the 2 but if I'd given up on them when they headed into that mess, would have missed the opportunity.

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