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Turkey Behavior


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
Lebanon, Tn
Does anyone notice differet behaviors from turkeys in different areas they hunt. For example. At my parents place there are turkeys that will let you get with in 100yds of them before they walk off.(This is first year we have seen turkeys on a regular basis) And at my lease in Clay County the turkeys will run and fly if they see you at 500yds.
For sure! My grandparents farm is loaded with birds and we only hunt it a handful of times per year, very little pressure. My grandfather literally rides the tractor right by them, strutting and all. But those criters know the difference between feeding cattle and being hunted!

Some other farms and public land I have hunted they seem to act differently on different days. One morning they are fired up when it is 30 degrees and the next morning it could be 60 degrees and you will not hear a peep. Some birds are spooked of decoys and others seem to be call shy. To me this is what makes hunting them fun. Its almost a drag to go hunt somewhere one time, kill a bird and not have had to hunt hard for them. But I will not neccessarly complain about an easy hunt either.
more hunting pressure will make them run off from long distances. On a windy day on public land last year, I bumped 2 hens that were 300 yd across a field and they took off flying into the trees. This year, also on public land, but where the birds hadn't seen much pressure yet, i walked up within 50-60 yards of some birds in the woods and they just started walking off. I sat down and the birds remained in the area with hens for hours. In my backyard I've had a hen walk right by me 20 yards away.
I see both scenarios where I hunt with little hunting pressure and can't explain why. Twice this year I have walked up on a pair of LBs and just nudged them out of sight but when we hit the fields coming out birds on the next property half a mile away high tail it.

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