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Tru Ball Max Pro 4 Reviews


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Cookeville, TN
I want to hunt with a thumb trigger release to get a similar feel and anchor as my hinge. I was in Archery Den and was looking at the Tru Ball Max Pro 4 for a hunting release.

I was considering a Carter but don't want to pay $$$ for a Chocolate Lite just for hunting.

Anyone got any feedback on the Tru Ball Max Pro 4? It looks like a simple, quiet thumb trigger release.
Can't help you with the Max Pro, but I would check out the Stan Shootoff�that is a sweet thumb release. Energy Wave Archery in Hermitage has one, and I think they may others on the way or they can order whatever you want.
TNDeerGuy said:
Can't help you with the Max Pro, but I would check out the Stan Shootoff�that is a sweet thumb release. Energy Wave Archery in Hermitage has one, and I think they may others on the way or they can order whatever you want.

Yeah Stans are very nice but a little too much $$$ for what I want to spend on a thumb trigger. Archery Den has one.
Heli-Hunter said:
Had one and it was pretty nice. Switched to a Trufire Hardcore 4 finger, like it alot better for the money

Just looked up that release. Looks good...how much are they?

I kind want a thumb trigger I can lock to my d loop and leave it on the bow.
Crow Terminator said:
Never used that model but there's one on ArcheryTalk right now for $65 in almost new condition. Don't know if that's a good price or not though. Sounds good though. TruBall makes good stuff; I do like the Carter and Stan triggers better though...seem crisper to me.


I saw that and messaged the seller if he wants to trade.

I just put two excellent releases up for sale on AT:

Carter Like Mike

Scott Longhorn Hex

Will take funds from these and buy a new thumb release.

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