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These dang hens


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Franklin TN
Been yakking for a while. Close, but just out of sight. Tried aggressive calling and sitting quiet for a while. They've been in the same place for at least a couple hours just moving back and forth a little. Gobbles every now and then, sound like jakes but I need to see some birds to be sure..., they are yapping as I type and don't seem to be getting much closer. Guess ill keep waiting
Snuck closer. Hens and supposed jakes makin a lot of noise. Then a mature sounding gobble off to the left thru the woods. Hope he shows up
Dang I don't love long, tedious stalking but I stuck with the birds. Saw a strutter in the open field. Snuck some more, and.... to be continued. Not looking forward to the hike back (well over a mile)