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Sweet Tea.......For BSK.

Boone 58

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2004
Food Plot
A friend introduced this to me a few days ago. I have never heard of it but went to the website and read a little...approx 30+ crde protein......have you any experience with it .....and what is it. Looked like alfalfa to me....but that is a stretch. Triticale? i am clueless.
Very interesting Boone 58.

Unfortunately, I can't find much information on Sida acuta (teaweed) as pertains to wildlife use, although it is listed on many agricultural sites as a serious invasive. In fact, it is illegal to introduce into many tropical and subtropical countries.

What concerns me is:

1) It is considered a difficult to eradictate invasive in the Deep South. Considering the extreme deer densities of the Deep South, any plant that can grow to be a problem must not be highly attractive to deer, or deer would have eaten it just about out of existance. I've seen deer so hungry in the Deep South that they ate considerable volumes of fescue, which is indigestible to deer.

2) The plant doesn't appear to grow outside of the Deep South. If a difficult to eradicate plant does not naturally spread outside of the Deep South, it problably won't grow well outside of that range.

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