Son’s last juvenile out with a bang or five…..

TN Larry

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2003
Baxter, Tennessee
It's hard to believe that as the sun set this afternoon that my son's statewide juvenile deer hunting is done. He killed his first 10 years ago at 6 yrs old and a bunch since then.

He'd had a good season up to this point. He started off with a doe opening day of bow season and a decent bonus buck on a juvenile draw hunt in October. He then killed two 8pts with a rifle. He was bucked out but still wanting to doe hunt. He had 5 doe tags that he could fill this wknd.

On Saturday, we had a friend in unit L that needed some does killed. We hunted yesterday morning with no shots fired. Yesterday afternoon, we sat watching a field. 3 does came out a little before 4. I may or may not have been taking a little nap when he said there's deer standing at the salt lick. :) The first was a bang flop and the others ran back to the edge of the woods. He fired again at another and they ran off. We wasn't sure, but he said he made a good shot. We decided to sit til 4:30 and go look for the second one. At around 4:15, two more came out in the exact same spot and was looking at the first one. He fired again and we saw her fall. We went to look for the second but didn't have to blood trail as it fell just out of our sight and only 30 yards from the last one. The pump 30-06 is hard on them.

This afternoon, him and my cousin went, and I took my daughter. She decided to stick close and buck hunt the weekend with no luck. They decided to trade guns this afternoon to see if it would change her luck. She took his 6.5, and he took hers. For my son, two "does" stepped out a little before 5. He downed the biggest one. The other ran back in the woods and then back out in the field. He shot it and it ran about 40 yds spewing blood everywhere. It unfortunately ended up being a button buck but okay.

All shots were between 100 and 170 yards for the weekend.

Unless he gets an early draw juvenile this next season before his 17th birthday, that will be it for juvenile season. It's a little bittersweet as he really doesn't need me sitting with him anymore, and I really enjoy watching it all happen. I do have my daughter to take for a few more years.

I'm very blessed to have two kids that enjoy what I do.
