Don't have one nor I'am familair with those,however heres a few items I would do/check if mine,in no certain order.
Compare the firing pin marks on all cases,those that did fire to those that didn't on the frist time.If the same try the misfires again.Try a different brand of ammo and compare the marks on them as above.sometimes the ammo is at fault.
If it still does it with other brands of ammo.
Strip and Clean the bolt and firing pin or blow it out good with something like "Crud Cutter"and try again.If I stripped it down I would inspect the Firing pin ,Spring and the bolt body for any signs of trouble.Would do the same for Trigger group,depending on the workings.
Try shooting again,If it still misfires with several different
brands of ammo. New fring pin spring and or hammer spring,along with a new fring pin,depending on the workings.