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Reloading help

Hunting Daddy

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction score
Rutherford County
Getting my feet wet into reloading. Built a bench, bought a Lee Loadmaster 9mm, got the needed accesories but now I find that I need help in a bad way. Is there anyone in the Murfreesboro-Shelbyville area that would pretty much walk me thru the reloading process ( including putting the darn thing together).

Grab a reload manual and some java and settle back for a nice read.
What bullet weight you using? Powder? Primer? New Brass or once fired? What powder charges for your first set of ladders? What dies you using? You get an electronic scale or you go old school and get a balance beam?

Fear not. I can't come help put it together but questions can be answered.
I live in murfreesboro and can help you with the basics but I only run single stage and not progressive. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that is the set up you have. Like Dave said, most manuals are more than sufficient for instructions. Pm me if you need further assistance.
Most important is to read at least one manual. Next is to have a good friend who reloads so you can call up and admit how dumb you are, I know I still do. Having some one to ask questions is important.
There are several here that can help. As stated already. Read a manu or three. As far as setup. YouTube may help you out getting it running correctly
the press is a turret style one with attachments for Powder, Brass, Bullet, and primers. Looks pretty cool to me.

The trick to any progressive style press is the minor adjustments to the alignment between the rotating parts. The brass goes around, the dies are stationary and you will have to make minor adjustments to each of the attachments you purchased.

Because there are a lot of these in use and hand loaders are tinkerers (and love to tell everyone about their great solution) , there is a solution for just about every problem you will encounter.

Your patience will be amply rewarded; I wager you will be able to load more 9mm in one hour than you used to do in a full day.

If you need components just post up
Thanks for all the responses. I guess I forgot to order a load manual. Anybody got a load recomendation using berrys 115 gr rn. Just wanting to load target rounds for a Glock 17& 34. As for powder need it too. Someone just tell me what type to buy.

Unique doesn't meter well, but it works in just about anything. If you can find some, get it... but finding it will be the problem. That is another place that a manual can help you, finding suitable powders for your application, as you basically will probably end up using what you can find right now. Get a Lyman, or one from a bullet mfg (Nosler, Sierra, and Hornady are good) so that you will get a wider variety of listed powders. Most powder mfgs list their loads online.
I run two loadmaster presses if i can be any help let me know.

Dave b is right about the amount you will crank out with that press. I load 300-400 an hour on mine pretty easy.
Looks like I need more help than i thought. Having problems getting the darn thing set up. Now I know how my dad felt when we got our first vcr in the early 80's.


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