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I might be able to help, although I'm not sure exactly what he is looking for. Does he just want a place that will let him talk and set up a table to sign books, or does he want to have input on a special menu for the evening that would involve extra work on the part of the chefs/staff?

There are at least a couple of good restaurants in historic Bartlett that aren't popular enough yet to draw in large crowds all the time, and might be interested in special events to help fill the seats.

I would also think that a restaurant like Circa (chef John Bragg's place) might be a good spot, because the last time I was there a year or two ago they offered a couple of dishes that invovled duck. See www.circamemphis.com

I would like to attend if I can - feel free to throw out a reminder as time gets closer.
Being a etn redneck $50 a head sounds like a place to start seeing as how i dont know any thing about him.the different food samples alone would be worth the price & the book a bonus.I know the west side rolls in more $ than this end lol
Poser said:
Actually.... yes. On the last book tour, I hosted a small event at my house as I was unable to find location interested in hosting the event. I'm trying to find something for this go around, even sent off a email to the snobs at Ducks Unlimited since it is a duck cookbook, but got nothing back.

I think I saw that one coming....... :D
Poser said:

He can do it a number of different ways. It could be just a short lecture + book signing event, or it could be a full scale dinner at a restaurant where the chef prepares a game inspired dinner (in this case waterfowl: duck geese etc), preferably using a recipe or two from the book. The cost of attendance would include a copy of the book. In some markets, it is a high dollar affair ($80-100 a head), in others, it is free. -just depends on the market. You aso have to decide if you want it to be a hunter heavy crowd, or more appealing to people who are just interested in food. While Memphis is duck hunter heavy, the actual number of people who are interested in the craft of cooking ducks is relatively low. In fact, I'd speculate that there are more duck hunters who don't even eat duck than there are duck hunter that do eat duck. So, I'd be tempted to make this something that appeals to chefs and foodies as well as hunters.

If you have any ideas, go for it and search them out. For Memphis, I'd like to keep the cost under $40 a ticket for dinner + book. If DU was going to take it over, I was going to let them charge whatever they wanted since they have a built in, high dollar crowd, but they don't seem the least bit interested.

I think we'd be "game" :D

Have you tried any other restaurants yet?

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