Outdoor Archery Ranges Near Nashville-Fixed Blade Broadhead Tuning


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2023
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Memphis, TN
I know there's an archery range at Cheatham and I'd be willing to make that drive but are there any other outdoor ranges closer to the city in Nashville?

I read on here that there's one called the AgExpo Archery Park. If I bring my own target and maybe catch it on a day its not very crowded could I broadhead tune there?

Just looking for somewhere close I can make sure my fixed blades fly well before the season starts so I can be confident in my gear. Or where do you all do your broadhead tuning? I can shoot in my backyard but I'd be limited to 20 yards and to be honest I'd rather not shoot BH's in close proximity to people's houses. I'd appreciate any feedback!
You have a few options, but not a ton of outdoor.

TWRA runs one at Stones River by Percy Priest. Only open Fri-Sat. Smaller range tho.

There's one by Old Hickory. Pretty similar to AgExpo. Both free outdoor ranges maintained by the govt. Don't think there's supervision at either, so probably alright to take your own target and do what you please.
All closer than cheatham
Just be aware at AgExpo, targets may not be back in place yet because they let the carnies use that space for a campground during the County Fair. Also, sign says No Broadheads allowed on range…I understand you using your own target, but just wanted to give a heads up.
Im about 5 hrs from Memphis near Cookeville. Somewhere private is what you need. Surely someone around there wouldn't care if you shot your bow.
I'll take you up on the offer someday, you're only an hour away from Nashville. Only problem is right now my bow is at Shelby Forest Archery in Memphis. Had consistent cable stretching on some bad strings so I'm getting new bloodline strings.

Couldn't figure out how to PM you, shoot me a message when you can.
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I utilize new subdivision contruction areas. Pull down a vacant street with little or no completed houses. Set the target out and use tailgate as a table. Plenty of opportunities like that around Nashville. Generally go early Sunday mornings. Cooler and less work going on. Always seem to be suitable back stops like berms or wood lines.
I'll take you up on the offer someday, you're only an hour away from Nashville. Only problem is right now my bow is at Shelby Forest Archery in Memphis. Had consistent cable stretching on some bad strings so I'm getting new bloodline strings.

Couldn't figure out how to PM you, shoot me a message when you can.
Come on when you get you the itch. Ive got one target i shoot broadheads in. I will PM you my phone number.
I utilize new subdivision contruction areas. Pull down a vacant street with little or no completed houses. Set the target out and use tailgate as a table. Plenty of opportunities like that around Nashville. Generally go early Sunday mornings. Cooler and less work going on. Always seem to be suitable back stops like berms or wood lines.
This would be my Plan C but its not a bad idea.
I'd find some public land with a field nearby and take my target there to shoot. Surely any game warden would have enough sense to realize you were trying to be safe and not "hunting"
I think it says somewhere in the WMA regs that you can't use the land for target practice. I'd have to look it up again though. Although I do agree with you.
I think it says somewhere in the WMA regs that you can't use the land for target practice. I'd have to look it up again though. Although I do agree with you.
Yea we use to skeet shoot on some that was just a big open field and they put a stop to it after a couple of years. Now if you could find some TVA land then you should be good to go on it to shoot your bow.
I'm sure some will come on here and virtue signal like this is the worst thing ever but go find a soccer complex during the week and go to the back and shoot. As long as there isnt a walking trail or risks in the background, youll be fine. I used to shoot at a soccer complex in Franklin in the very back during the week. Never had any issues whatsoever.

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