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need Your Input....


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2002
Lebanon,TN USA
With the gas crunch, many of us are looking for ways to save a buck or two. One of the ways my longtime male companion and fishing partner Big Bird have found, was to have Joel Martin's (Big Rock Market), daughter pick us up and take us back to our launch point on the Caney. The going price has been $10-more than reasonable. I assumed an increase to keep pace with gas prices.

I heard a day or so ago they were going to $25. My rough calculation is that, from the Dam to Betty's is about a dollar a mile, road distance for them.

I was just about to really give them some ink and exposure but now I am not so sure. Is it just me or is that out of line? I love Joel like a brother, have known him since he was a kid and known the kids since they were born. But is that a reasonable price?
Serious commetns only. I know, sounds crazy coming from me :)
I guess it's better than taking 2 cars, but I think $10 to $15 is more fair. a dude does the same thing for canoeing on the Buffalo for $10.
Okay. Seems as though I was wrong. Maybe they just gave us a price break. I thought they went from $10 to $25. If they went up $5 that's more than reasonable.

Anyone remember when Deidre was running the cash register at the Old Big Rock and had to stand on a stool to reach the thing? That little sweetie never made a mistake with the change, though.
I have a question..... will Joel move your truck and boat trailer or does he pick you up at your take out and run you back to your truck?
From my house, I can take two vehicles for less than $25. It isn't the money. It was the idea of more than doubling the price. Now that I know that is not what they did, I'm cool with it.

RE the pickup. No, they don't pull your boat out. They pick you up and then you drive back and pull your boat out. I'm sure that is an insurance thing.

Tomorrow we are doing Happy to Bettys and then off the water and highways until next week. Our aim is to time the gens to hit us about 3/4 of the way down.
gbee said:
It's up to you, $25, take two vehicles, or walk. :grin:

Oh I have far more options that that :) My partner is a bike enthusiast. From Happy to the dam is nothing for him on a bike. Bike goes in the back of the truck, gets chained to a tree at takeout. He rides, gets truck.

I have a scooter that will do 60 mph and will fit easily in the back of the truck. Bettys to dam or Happy, nothing to it.

I also have three phone numbers to call. One of them has gotten remarried so she may not come pick me up but I bet the other two still would.

Hitchhike. I did it last week. Seems like I got picked up quicker when I was 30 years younger :)

But again, it isn't the money. I was misinformed. I'll use Deidre most of the time. Now when they get the new ramp in at the Hickman Bridge, that will be a different story. Last I heard, it was scheduled for August...but with TWRA cutbacks, it may not happen.

Gil- do you have any input on that?
I am going on the assumption that the trip is 25 miles, because you said it is about $1 per mile at $25.00.

At $10.00 they are spending about $5.00 in gas for the trip, leaving them $5.00 profit for the 30-45 minute trip. That would not be worth it to me.

At $25.00 they are still spending $5.00 in gas for the trip, leaving tehm $20.00 profit for the 30-45 minute trip.

To pay someone $20.00 for that amount of time may be a little high, but I would probably not take the precious time out of my day to drive some guys up the road for less than that. You would pay a plumber, electrician, or any kind of specilized trade as much or more than that for their services.

Is the hike from $10 to $25 steep? Yes, but I still don't think it is unreasonable.
bowriter said:
Now when they get the new ramp in at the Hickman Bridge, that will be a different story. Last I heard, it was scheduled for August...but with TWRA cutbacks, it may not happen.

Gil- do you have any input on that?

I asked Frank Fiss about it and wish I could remember his specific time frame answer. He basically said there have been tons o delays. I think it had to do with the designing/engineering of the ramp. These suckers will wash away in a heartbeat if not planned perfectly.

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