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need some info on a plot im thinking of doing...


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
maury county tn
I was thinking I'd plant some sunflowers for deer this year. We already have corn and soy beans and winter wheat (about to be harvested in about a month) and will also plant clober, chicory and maybe a few other varieties. But I was wondering about sun flowers I know a lot of people plant them for dove and see deer in them. I'd be mainly trying to get the deer in close for biw season. But I was wondering if anyone tried it and had any success with it? Any information will be helpful. Thanks.
Until they are about 8" tall, deer will walk right down the row and nip off every one of'em. Unless you plant a pretty good plot they'll never even make it to bow season. They don't fool with them when they get bigger but a young, tender one is doomed if you have lots of deer around.
Boll Weevil said:
Until they are about 8" tall, deer will walk right down the row and nip off every one of'em. Unless you plant a pretty good plot they'll never even make it to bow season. They don't fool with them when they get bigger but a young, tender one is doomed if you have lots of deer around.

Very true!
bbuck14 said:
Boll Weevil said:
Until they are about 8" tall, deer will walk right down the row and nip off every one of'em. Unless you plant a pretty good plot they'll never even make it to bow season. They don't fool with them when they get bigger but a young, tender one is doomed if you have lots of deer around.

Very true!
Agreed,never had any make it,deer just nip em off,maybe if your doing a Chaney sized field,,,,,
A place I hunted 10 years ago had about 10 acres in sunflowers. They made it to fall, mowed them in Sept and most of the seeds were gone by end of month. Deer hit them hard all month long.

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