Need a few tips.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2003
1. What hooks do you guys use??

I use a 3/0 or 4/0 EWG Gamakatsu hook when fishing worms or tubes. I almost always fish them T-rigged. Tubes are by far my favorite bait to use, but I'm missing too many fish. The shape of the hook angles back into the tube making a hook-set more difficult. All of the EWGs I've seen look similar in shape. All too often, I'll set the hook only for the fish to jump and get off (crankbaits even more so). Or better yet, I'll get the fish in the boat only to find the hook barely breaking the skin on the top of the throat. That just seems impossible as hard as I set the hook. Anyone who fishes with me will tell you I'm a bit wild when I jerk.

2. Can the type of line you use have that much effect on how well you feel the bite?

My dad put some line on my reels a few weeks ago and it seems like I can't feel the bite very well now. Almost always, I'm used to feeling a bump-bump, or one bump. But lately, it seems like I just pull up and the fish is there. No bite, no warning, no line shift. Nothing. And by the time I recognize the fish, it's too late. He's felt the weight, and he lets go.

Thanks for the feedback.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2002
Williamson County
I use Owner hooks for all my soft plastics. You shouldnt have trouble with hook penetration with that brand. There are tons of different styles of hooks available that you dont see at everyday tackle shops. Theres probably a specialty hook with the perfect bend for your needs. That sounds like what your problem is to me.

Question #2 is yes.

If you are having trouble feeling the bite, that would explain why you are having hook penetration problems. Sounds like a Monofilament line with alot of stretch going on. I recommend for you to try some braid with that tube. You definitely wont have trouble feeling a bite, or the bottom, or a pebble!


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2004
memphis, tn & savannah, tn
Question 2.

Ditto what username said.

Use braid, flourocarbon, or some of the new hybrid lines. They have alot less stretch than mono resulting in more sensitivity. This time of year, I hardly ever feel that tell-tale "thump-thump" of a bass hitting plastics. Fish seem to be alot more sluggish this time of year and not as aggressive as earlier in the year when it's cooler. Metabolism is just slower. Majority of my fish I have been catching, I haven't really felt at all, just watched my line for something out of the ordinary. I just feel something different, such as the lure feeling heavy as if you got hung in the grass. I spend alot of time just watching my line this time of year, as I don't seem to feel them hit it real hard.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
Cleveland Tn.
Mighty big hook for a tube,,,I almost always use the gammies in a 1/0 for tube baits,,,3/0 - 5/0 for worms,,,I lose more fish with owners than any other hook,,,they have no barb,,,metabolism should be wide open right now,,,it's slows down with cooler water temps.