My first kill with bow and its an 8 ptr!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2007
putnam county
I just bought a bow in late july after talking to one of my good friends. We practiced together in the evenings along with both of our sons and had a great time. Bow season finally came and could not wait. I had a missed shot open eve on a doe. I hit the only limb between me and her and it was an easy 10 yd shot.That was a little depressing.
Sat eve about 430 this deer came to the pond to drink. I was set up across the pond. He was facing me as he was getting water. I drew back waiting for a broadside shot, a few min past and he did not turn. I had to let my bow down. I was getting nervous. Finally he turned and I drew again.He was walking away from me. I took the shot which was about 37yds. The arrow hit with a big THUD!!! just behind right shoulder and exited out in front of left shoulder at base of neck. He ran 75yds and piled up. I could not belive it and still cant this morn. I used slick tricks and man they put some huge holes in the deer. I just want to thank my good friends JB Dubois and Shag for getting me into hunting and teaching me how to hunt and shoot a bow.This is a pic of my son with the deer.He was just as exited as I was.



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2007
Middle TN
Yeah ole JB is a heck of an archery teacher. He even knows a great broadhead when he sees one. But, on the other hand, he is also a tight-A moocher!