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My deer season feels jinxed

Ladys man

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
So opening weekend it was done by me on the weekend before dropping a railroad tie on my right shin and foot. Shin is much better just a big knot when doing deep knee bends but foot is still bruised.
This weekend I took off Friday to head to Catoosa to scout for Nov gun hunt. Had an eventful hunt last night. Between a crp field and fern field but could see either, so climbed down early to look in the green field. 2 does where out there followed by a young buck. Had both does in range but no shot.
Today I'm scouting and driving around and my foot left foot starts hurting. Gets worse to where I can't even put a lil pressure on it. No idea why, but I pull into a spot I was gana hunt for the evening hoping it would quit, but it only got worse just constant pain. I called the wife said I was on my way. No I have it propped up with ice on it and starting to swell.

Something isn't adding up for this season lol
Hate to hear that brother, season has just started though. 😉 Just don't let up on the ice when it comes to swelling and get your butt back to the doctor!!! How was the crowd down there?
That place used to be packed! We use to stay the whole 9 days, talk about stinking. Lol
It's definitely not getting any better, to say the least.
A friend of mine suspects someone's tried using poison for the hogs and that the deer herd may have been affected by it.

There's one called 'hog gone' that's popular in Texas.
I hope that's not the case Carlos, didn't even know that was an option for hogs. Just figured that since they opened up bear on the area that the camp sites would be full. By the way, what was the official harvest on bear?
I hope that's not the case Carlos, didn't even know that was an option for hogs. Just figured that since they opened up bear on the area that the camp sites would be full. By the way, what was the official harvest on bear?
(This reply didn't post when I tried at 6am)

There was 1 killed that I know of. Seems like the twra harvest report hasn't yet been updated to include bears at Catoosa.

I suspect that one of the biggest reasons a lot of guys went elsewhere, is due to the 'bonus-buck' being removed.
A lot of guys didn't like that change and it's tough to make everyone happy.

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