Mid-South Duck Report


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2007
Brownsville, Tennessee
Here's a Mid-South Duck Report from waterfowler Scott May:

Deer season and rut are in full swing and with the less than stellar duck season, many sports have adopted my motto:
"If I am going to get skunked, it is going to be by something big."

We have finally gotten the 12-15 inches of snow and freezing temps up north needed to drive the web feet south.
Last weekend's AR Youth Hunt was excellent in the area from Weiner to Harrisburg, and further south and west.
Reports were that they saw more mallards than they had all year and the kids blazed away; average shell consumption was 2 boxes per shooter, even with the icy conditions.
AR and MS re-opened, mid week, and reports were mixed. Most AR places, on both sides of The Ridge, had good shooting with lots of new mallards, but you had better have your limit by 9:00, because with all the rain water, ducks found a safe place and sat down.
North MS is still suffering from a lack of ducks from north of Tunica to Webb.
The ducks that migrated into AR did not make it to MS, at least not yet.
The earlier rains plus frozen fields may have kept the ducks on the rivers and the big reservoirs.
Speaking of reservoirs, Bull Shoals, Greer's Ferry and Norfolk are all 10-20 feet above their winter pool and all have their flood gates open plus all generators running. This tells me that the White will be out of bank for at least 3 more weeks. This helps the public hunter, but hurts the artificially flooded fields and green timber from Stuttgart to Clarendon to De Wit.



Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
Chaneylake said:
Taylor, quite a few ducks moved into the Hatchie this morning, heard no shooting yesterday, Hatchie Bottoms were thundering this morning

how far are you guys from hatchie nat refuge?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2009
Chapel Hill, TN
Saw a ton of new birds in Arkansas this weekend. We didn't do very well, but had some buddies that had lots of ducks using their fields and beat them up pretty good. Hunted some bottom land all weekend with no sun...you can imagine the rest.

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