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Men fined for putting Tshirt on Deer

Here's the bottom line:

Lisa Roppolo: This is what social media has done; make people act like idiots for web notoriety.
If you think that social media started this your crazy. This stuff has been going on as long as there were people with a sense of humor. Remember cow tipping? Social media and tv just publicized the event, didn't start it.
Speaking of "cow tipping", I've always wondered if anybody ever really did that. We raised black angus cows for years and they were a real handfull when we had to catch them to put in ear tags or give them shots. And we used a head catching gate to hold them while their body was trapped in a narrow chute. I can't believe it is even remotely possible to grab one of those 1,000 lb cows and throw it down on the ground. :)
I can say that as a teenager running around in Wisconsin farm country, we may have had a few beverages that were beyond our years and tried it. But I don't think we ever got on tipped over.

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