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Looking for guides in field dressing, butchering

If you shoot one that you want to mount the whole head mounted GET HELP!!!! do not do it yourself do not cut through the rib cage/ breast plate. If you get one your not mounting and someone is with you have them show you what to do if you want to mount the whole head. This was first morning 9:55
Starting at the butthole first makes no sense...... he contaminants his knife with crap and then proceeds to cut into the deer. Kind of like wiping your butt with a spoon and then eating your soup with it!!!!! Ha!!
Don't see how cutting around the butt in the connective tissue contaminates anything. But thats just me...
ive given away a couple of this video to members but i dont have any more. its only 13 bucks and well worth, it has everything you need to know.

Ky afield is an incredible show. I miss Tim! The one armed bow hunter! He would shoot with his teeth!
Your KNIFE cuts into the filthiest part of any animal including man, and you use it to continue to gut your deer...... but that's just me. I try not to bite my nails just after I have wiped my butt.
I've never seen droppings smeared all over the hide around a deer's butt and I don't use that same blade to butcher my deer. To each their own. Not trying to argue over field dressing. Was just offering up one of many resources and methods available to help the author.
If it is a good shot and your careful gutting you won't contaminate anything, even with this said I don't use the same knife to butcher as i do gutting. Ive used the same 110 buck knife for the past 22 years gutting only. All this being said this man needs someone with him when he does his first couple of deer. Even watching a video while doing it won't compare. I learned after my first deer that was long before all this technology

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