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LMAO- You Gotta See This...


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2002
Lebanon,TN USA
Get a copy of today's Tennessean and look at the picture of 7# smallmouth the kid caught on Old Hickory. Kinda makes you wonder how much experience the outdoor writer has had with fish.
I don't know if it's a bluefish or a world record skipjack or what, but it ain't no smallmouth. :D

rsimms said:
That's priceless... and sad. If Tennessean is like many media outlets, the "checks & balances" that used to try and catch stupid mistakes like that, just don't exist these days.

Having seen how newspapers work, I wouldn't bash the Tennessean too hard.

Most newspapers print those pictures of kids with fish to keep the parents (subscribers) happy. If proud mom and dad brought in the picture and said "Look at our son's 7lb smallmouth!", well, they're only going to make enemies if they tell mom and dad their kid actually caught a 2lb skipjack.

They print the picture, mom and dad are happy and keep buying newspapers (and maybe even advertising), and life goes on.

Brian Dunigan said:
rsimms said:
That's priceless... and sad. If Tennessean is like many media outlets, the "checks & balances" that used to try and catch stupid mistakes like that, just don't exist these days.

Having seen how newspapers work, I wouldn't bash the Tennessean too hard.

Most newspapers print those pictures of kids with fish to keep the parents (subscribers) happy. If proud mom and dad brought in the picture and said "Look at our son's 7lb smallmouth!", well, they're only going to make enemies if they tell mom and dad their kid actually caught a 2lb skipjack.

They print the picture, mom and dad are happy and keep buying newspapers (and maybe even advertising), and life goes on.


I have to disagree. Actually, instead of making everyone happy, it makes Mom, Dad, the kid, the Tennessean, and bowriter all look like idiots.
Tennessee Todd said:
Brian Dunigan said:
rsimms said:
That's priceless... and sad. If Tennessean is like many media outlets, the "checks & balances" that used to try and catch stupid mistakes like that, just don't exist these days.

Having seen how newspapers work, I wouldn't bash the Tennessean too hard.

Most newspapers print those pictures of kids with fish to keep the parents (subscribers) happy. If proud mom and dad brought in the picture and said "Look at our son's 7lb smallmouth!", well, they're only going to make enemies if they tell mom and dad their kid actually caught a 2lb skipjack.

They print the picture, mom and dad are happy and keep buying newspapers (and maybe even advertising), and life goes on.


I have to disagree. Actually, instead of making everyone happy, it makes Mom, Dad, the kid, the Tennessean, and bowriter all look like idiots.

I agree... I would be shocked if Tennessean, or any newspaper, KNOWINGLY published something it knew to be false. Even if it is nothing more than a "Brag Board" for Mommy and Daddy, it damages the newspaper's credibility.

However I can see how such a mistake could easily slip beneath the radar... I bet there's another picture that goes with that caption, or visa versa. Somebody just accidentally switched the two and nobody noticed, or didn't know a smallmouth from a carp.