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Lime Question


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
Eva, AL
Got to get some lime down. How is the best way to go about it? Disc and then spread? Spread then disc? Just spread? Never really applied bulk lime before.
I've done it both ways, can't tell much difference, depending on rain, It has to breakdown (dissolve ) into the soil , usually takes 2-4 months to do its thing, before you get the best results .
It will actually activate quicker if disked in ......but i just broadcast mine and let it work. we disk in the fall anyway, so i like to lime in the spring because typically it takes 6 months to alter the ph of the soil. But liming is an investment so as Nike says............"just do it"!! You will reap the benefits later and that is enough incentive. :cool:
Since lime can only affect pH of soil that it contacts, it's better to disk it in. It will eventually do the same thing though if you don't. In some cases, such as liming a pasture, you can't disk it in or you would kill the pasture so you have to just broadcast and let the rain wash it into the ground. For a food plot though, if you are disking anyway, why not wait and put the lime out 1st.
Ok, thanks. I was wanting to go ahead and get the lime down and I should disc in the next month or so. Just was not sure if I should wait until I disced before I limed.

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