Let me just say this!


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2005
I overheard a discussion over the weekend about turkey hunting...One guy said "what is the sport in it? They are everywhere..they walk right out in the road and you have to blow your horn to get by."
Another said something really similar except he threw in the part about most hunters use cracked corn to feed them, then just sit and shoot them when they come to eat...

I was really ticked at what I heard...I was quick to let them know that Turkey Hunting, if done properly, Is very, very challenging and rewarding... I kind of explained the art and challenge of calling and moving in... I also explained the reward of knowing you just fooled a wise old Tom...
I wish I had more time to prepare my speach for them before I got started, but I had to get a few words in while I had their attention....

It just ticks me off to hear people run their mouths about our passion.. Just because they are too lazy or sorry to get out of a nice warm bed to persue the game of their choice!!

I think one of the guys said something like "Well if you are looking to feed your family, go to the grocery store"... :mad:

Goshen Valley Boy

Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2009
RussellvilleRob said:
I think one of the guys said something like "Well if you are looking to feed your family, go to the grocery store"... :mad:

Whenever I have someone say something like this, I usually say something like...

I don't like the idea of hiring assassins to do my killing for me. I have enough respect for the animals to kill them myself. You hire people who keep animals in small pens or lots their whole lives and stuff them full of hormones and then knock them between the eyes. The animals I eat have a real good chance of beating me and living...and 9 times out of 10 they do.

Then I ask them which way would they rather go...penned up, having no chance and then getting shot or hammered between the eyes at point blank range, or on your own turf and never knowing what hit you?

That usually shuts them up.

Sometimes they will say, well I don't eat meat. But I usually find that they have leather tennis shoes on or use some other animal products.

Some people are ridiculous...they just don't use their heads.

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