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Just got home this afternoon and I am flat wore out. Had two close calls this morning. Had a gobbling bird within 50 yards but skirted around us in some thick stuff not offering a clear shot. Rounded a corner and walked up on a lone strutter about 1230 about 75 yards but he busted us as we tried to make a move. Still sick over that one. When we left we stopped by the South Welcome station and there had been 11 checked in at 1:00, 8 yesterday. I think this week will be better, not as much gobbling as in the past. Had a great trip with my father and brother just didn't get it done. It is tough hunting but I love it, wish I could have stayed a couple more days.
close Sat, as well as Sun., had other hunters run by me, bust em off the roost. Then drove a mile around to the other side, got back on him, same two guys came running up and busted him again. Its amazing how some people think they can walk right up to turkeys in wide open woods with no cover. I understand why few where killed.
Hunted on Tuesday the 9th birds were gobblin on roost, friend and his son went after one, me and my brother went after another one, some other hunters busted them off roost, never got on any more, friends son missed the one they set up on,we never heard anymore gobblin after they were on the ground.
Sounds like typical LBL. My knee prevented me from hunting this weekend and was going to go today but got called into work. Oh well I need money more than a turkey.
Went on the first quota - 9th & 10th - with two buddies. The first day I was on a gobbler that must have gobbled 50 times on the roost. I got within about 150 yards of him and could not get any closer because the woods were very open, absolutely no cover. After he flew down, he only gobbled two times as he was going away from me. I never called to him until he got on the ground but could not turn him around. Did not hear anything the rest of the day but did jump two seperate hens when coming out.

Day two. Got back on the same bird or one roosted at the same place. He only gobbled about 10 times before going lockjaw. I have no idea where he went. I set up near his roost and called every 30 mins or so. Big yote came right in. He is still laying there.

The other guys were on several the first day but didn't close the deal. They said very few gobbles after fly down. The second day, they only heard one gobble in the distance. Tried to close but he shut down before they got there.

Should be much better conditions next week when I go back. Definitely have more ground cover and the hens should be sneaking off to nest. Usually do real good around noon when this happens.

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