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Lack of Doves

Levee Jumper

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2015
Spoken to multiple people that have scoped 3 or 4 public dove fields in West Tennessee today that have reported seeing literally 1 or 2 doves total. It's going to be a rough opener this year for most.
Last year I scoped a public field the evening before the opener. Another guy there said he hadn't seen enough to get him excited and I didn't either really. From 12-230 on opening day it was crickets then the switch flipped and it ended up being a good shoot. I dont expect a whole lot based off what I've seen this week but I'd rather go and be the guy that says it was a bad day than be the guy who stays home and finds out I missed a barrel burner.
We had a ton here but I am afraid we've lost some of them. Can't say for sure as it's been a busy week so far & that coupled with the rain I haven't really had a chance to check since Sunday. On the other hand it looks like the rain will be gone for us well before shooting time so at least we'll be dry. Eat & drink good if nothing else.
I went and checked a dove field in Benton county last Saturday and sat for an hour to see one dove fly. Going to a field near Dyersburg this weekend. Hoping for better luck there.
Took my son dove hunting after school yesterday. We saw one dove in 3 hours. I knew we were doomed when a dozen turkey walked to within 15 yards of us. Field was way too quiet. However, my ten year old son still enjoyed getting to hunt. Maybe things will improve by Saturday ;o)
I'm hopeful Saturday will be good. Weather will be quite nice, though the lows are somewhat cooler than they were prior to the storm.
Happy to report good numbers in southern KY yesterday too. Really couldn't beat the weather.
Knock on wood if nothing changes we're looking at a great weekend too. I always enjoy the later hunts when the crowd is smaller and everything is a little more relaxed.
Had a good shoot yesterday evening. Birds were dead set on traveling a specific corner of the field, but even groups set up elsewhere had a chance to take a few birds. Perfect breeze to cool things off.

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