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Just can't get one

Big Gun

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2000
Today I set up on the edge of a field close to what sounded like 3 birds gobbling at everything. I had a hen and jake decoy out and when 2 toms came into the field about 100 yards away they gobbled, one of then started strutting, then they turned and started walking to the end of the field where about 15 deer were. Next thing you know they run to the deer. Once on the far end of the field they gobbled one more time and went in the woods never to be seen or heard again. :crazy:
It actually sounds like they spotted you or something out of the ordinary. If you have seen them in the same location before, you might try an "ambush" style approach. Basically, set up on their travel route, leave the deocys at home, and save the calling for if they dont come the way they typically do.

Turkeys are not very intelligent, but very keen to their environment.
In nature, the gobbler gobbles and struts and the hens go to him. He was either trying to draw you hen decoy to him, or was just too scared of the decoy to get close. Throw them decoys away, and make them come look for you by not doing any hard calling.
Also, you can bushwack him like AT Hiker said.

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