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How to be productive the week before turkey season


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2010
Williamson County
1. Start work early - you need to reset the biological clock for next week

2. Be thankful for the bad weather - good weather would have made it impossible to work today

3. Post on TnDeer to see what others think about the affect of today's weather on what the turkeys will do tomorrow

4. Write number three on tomorrow's to-do list - the weather will be different tomorrow and it might impact Saturday, either way more of a reason to talk turkeys

5. Work - depress yourself while reminising about college when class was always optional

6. Have a home office - Lucky me!

7. Stop work to practice your turkey calls in your office - ignore your wife yelling at you to stop

8. Leave ridiculously early for your lunch meeting - turn a 15 minute drive into 45 by driving backroads looking for turkeys

9. Resist the urge to accelerate when a strutting tom is in the middle of the road

10. Post a useless list on TnDeer


Did I miss any?
. . .

12. Check the weather forecast from 3 different sources every 20 minutes to keep abreast of any changes.

13. Call all hunting buddies with less demanding schedules to ask about all recent turkey sightings.

14. Go through hunting pictures from last year to analyze how green the woods were compared to this year, and make halfass predictions based on those comparisons as to the relative effect of the current green-up stage.
15. Report a poult sighting in today's snow on TnDeer just to stir the pot - post a blurry picture of a robin in your back yard for confirmation
I can never sleep the night before any season opener but this year it's different. I haven't slept in a week!!!! I'm super excited this year. I guess it's because I have been chasing work all over the country and several other countries and have missed hunting with my best friend( my dad) for the last 15 years and now he is retired and I am settled. So we will be hunting together again. He taught me all I know about hunting and he is a great outdoorsman. It should be fun!!!!


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