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Hey BSK (and others)… Fire Question


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Mar 8, 2010
Rhea Co., TN
Well, the dry weather and spate of brush fires got one of my favorite hunting spots. Burned the leaf litter and freshly fallen leaves, along with any downed dead trees and most of the undergrowth. Happened Friday. Seems to have burned pretty quickly in many areas, as several acorns can still be found they were not burned up, whereas other areas burned pretty hot and hard. Some things are still smoldering today

How long until deer start using this area again in earnest?

Will the deer be pushed a good ways away from this, stay just outside, or return to the middle of it?

How many acres? If small, it won't bother them at all. If over 40 ac, they will use the edges of the burn fine until new growth starts in the burn... after the new growth starts, they will use it like crazy. But that may not be until next spring unless we get rain and temps stay above freezing.
Chestnut(oak)s roasting on an open fire? Sounds like a Nat King Cole song to me :)

When it starts greening up it'll be a huge draw. Whatever the reason, deer LOVE the first green to pop out of charred ground.
It won't bother them other than the only reason for them to be in there would be for a few acorns unscathed or if it's a travel corridor. I'm sure it wiped out some cover. Whatever strategy you had it set up for would be my reasoning to hunt it or not. If food, I'd change strategies. If travel corridor, I'd consider it depending on my walking it. Whenever you get fresh vegetation in there, that'd be when they'll really be in there, but that not be until spring.
How many acres? If small, it won't bother them at all.
I'd say under 40 acres
Chestnut(oak)s roasting on an open fire? Sounds like a Nat King Cole song to me :)
That was my first thought, actually.

I figured we'd give it a go to see ho they use it. The acorns are there, but the browse and thick cover are gone. Will definitely alter their travel patterns
I would think that hunting the edges where the old trails entered this area would be a good place. I bet they will be passing through there, But you better face towards the burned area cause you aren't going to be able to hear them coming. I you would be able to slip through there quietly also.
That looks really clean. I have about 50 acres I would love to see cleaned up like that, or at least 30 of the fifty. Maybe it would temporarily knock back those greenbrier vines.

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