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Going for yotes, keep catching possum..how to prevent

Not trying to be a smart azz but You have to thin them out first then you will start catching the coyotes .Don't know why but when you put your best set in, there waits a possum in the morning. What are you using for bait?
Remember that coon, possum, and skunks will be more active in warmer weather.
Try not to set near den areas.....brush piles, old buildings, rock piles, barns, etc.
In these warm temps lay off the bait.
what are u using for bait? Right now coons oppsums and skunk are going to eat everything they come across. If u want to help the turkeys, quail and song birds. Dispatch every one of them. It will be hard too keep them out. Goto some post sets and flat sets . Try a few blind sets in trails. I use a horse meat base bait. It dont smell strong smell. After turkey season goes out. I will be hammering the coyotes again.
What they said, and you might also try a few other things.
- increase pan tension a bit
- use DPs in the area or even right near your yote set
- don't use food type lure/bait. Stick with gland or curiosity scents only. Shanman alluded to this already.
- use even more DP in the area

Just watched video. Do you feel confident in the location? Have you seen dog tracks right there? If not, that spot may be a bit tight for coyote to feel comfortable enough to stop and really work it. If you have some more open area with intersecting features or can find tracks, you might increase your odds.
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What they said, and you might also try a few other things.
- increase pan tension a bit
- use DPs in the area or even right near your yote set
- don't use food type lure/bait. Stick with gland or curiosity scents only. Shanman alluded to this already.
- use even more DP in the area

Just watched video. Do you feel confident in the location? Have you seen dog tracks right there? If not, that spot may be a bit tight for coyote to feel comfortable enough to stop and really work it. If you have some more open area with intersecting features or can find tracks, you might increase your odds.
yes, the yotes come through this spot all the time.

I don't think i am using food....its just what i listed above

I like the idea about the DPs, thank you for that idea!
what are u using for bait? Right now coons oppsums and skunk are going to eat everything they come across. If u want to help the turkeys, quail and song birds. Dispatch every one of them. It will be hard too keep them out. Goto some post sets and flat sets . Try a few blind sets in trails. I use a horse meat base bait. It dont smell strong smell. After turkey season goes out. I will be hammering the coyotes again.
I am using the following:

-F n T yote bait #2
-Predator paste from Reuwsaat's Deep Creek All Predator Paste Bait (BTW, what is in this STUFF, smells HORRID). link: https://reuwsaatbaitandlure.com/shop/deep-creek-all-predator-paste-bait/

-Dunlap coyoyte death gland: https://www.fntpost.com/Products/Dunlap's+Lures/Dunlap's+Death+Coyote+Gland+Lure

-and coyote urine
I've never tried the 2 baits you mentioned, but in the spring, I know they are out hunting more to feed the pups just make sure you are on location is the big thing . This time of year I use a set call a Compass set and had good luck with it and a urine post set . The compass set is a set that I only use lure on in 3 hole and Bobcat pee in the last one . The urine set try to find that one thing that's a stands out on its on like a small patch of weeds on a logging road or that one patch of weeds in a dirt spot that's in their path of travel and set a trap around 9" back and give the weeds a good shot of urine but keep in mind these pop up showers we have will wash it off also. If you have a dog that you can take with you that's well behaved he will point out these to you that's existing. Good luck hope this help you . If you want a picture of the compass set I will tried to do a mock one later this afternoon after the rain has passed .
I've never tried the 2 baits you mentioned, but in the spring, I know they are out hunting more to feed the pups just make sure you are on location is the big thing . This time of year I use a set call a Compass set and had good luck with it and a urine post set . The compass set is a set that I only use lure on in 3 hole and Bobcat pee in the last one . The urine set try to find that one thing that's a stands out on its on like a small patch of weeds on a logging road or that one patch of weeds in a dirt spot that's in their path of travel and set a trap around 9" back and give the weeds a good shot of urine but keep in mind these pop up showers we have will wash it off also. If you have a dog that you can take with you that's well behaved he will point out these to you that's existing. Good luck hope this help you . If you want a picture of the compass set I will tried to do a mock one later this afternoon after the rain has passed .
please do! a visual would be nice
Something else have you tried going out right at dusk and listening to see if you can hear them howling and try to figure out where their territory lines are . I have had very good success getting on the border of 2 family groups . If you can figure it out set a bunch of traps there .
Apple Road horse meat bait isn't loud. Its more sweet smelling . When the pups are born. Use pee and coyote gland lure. Adult coyotes isnt going to like the smell of a new coyote in the area. What about snaring ? Could u snare? That way no bait needed. Wouldn't have to deal with skunk coons or oppsums. Alot faster to put out. Water wont mess with them. Like it does a dirt hole.
I've never tried the 2 baits you mentioned, but in the spring, I know they are out hunting more to feed the pups just make sure you are on location is the big thing . This time of year I use a set call a Compass set and had good luck with it and a urine post set . The compass set is a set that I only use lure on in 3 hole and Bobcat pee in the last one . The urine set try to find that one thing that's a stands out on its on like a small patch of weeds on a logging road or that one patch of weeds in a dirt spot that's in their path of travel and set a trap around 9" back and give the weeds a good shot of urine but keep in mind these pop up showers we have will wash it off also. If you have a dog that you can take with you that's well behaved he will point out these to you that's existing. Good luck hope this help you . If you want a picture of the compass set I will tried to do a mock one later this afternoon after the rain has passed .
So in this compass at, I put lure in three of the holes and then pee in one of the holes and that's it? No predator paste ?

Of the Lure that you use are you using the same Luer in all three holes or a different Luer in every hole? Thanks
Yes just lure in the holes 3 different ones and pee in one , no bait is used at this set . I have used just 2 lures and 2 different urines like fox and bobcat . I'm not a big fan of using coyote urine .
I only used the compass set a few times. Guy showed me put small amount of bait in one hole. With 2 different types of food lure in 2 of the holes. Last hole use a small amount of red fox gland lure and pee. And in December thru February use coyote gland and coyote pee. To replace the red fox. I am glad to see it set different ways. I will have to try it with no bait. I do good with the 3 punch hole set. You can never learn too much trapping.

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