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First Plot


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
Cannon, TN
Ok guys I hope I'm not to late but I just got my soil test back. It says 2000lb lime per acre to get my pH to 6.5. I plan on planting Imperial Powerplant for the spring and summer and wheat for the winter. I guess I need to get the lime down as soon as possible? How long before I roundup the plot after applying lime? What other numbers can I give you from the sheet to help with with what else I need?
I would lime asap, would spray round up when every thing turns green, and round up again two weeks before you plant. It will take several months for the lime to have its full effect. I would fertilize at planting according to the soil test.
8 Points said it right. Get the lime on as fast as you can. Spray the RoundUp as soon as the weeds/grass gets green and starts to grow.

As a cost saver, if you don't already have the Power Plant, see if you can get some Pennington Seed Company "Spring/Summer Deer Mix"


It's the same as Power Plant and is about 55-60% the cost. I've planted them both side by side and cannot tell one from the other. No matter which one you get, if you haven't tried this tall cover food plot, I think you'lll be amazed how much deer will use it.
Same as stated previously, lime as soon as you can, and I would spray twice before planting the Powerplant.

I planted it last year and will never plant it again - nothing you can do about weeds once it starts coming up. Mine turned into a thistle patch.
What would you plant instead of powerplant. I've thought about just waiting till fall and going with a perennial like clover
One thing we have to remember is that weeds make up a large part of a deers diet and fertilized weeds do have a higher food value than they would otherwise. Nobody wants their foodplot to be overcome with weeds but it's not always as bad as it may seem. Especially with PowerPlant or the Pennington equivalent. That assumes that you do get enough of the vine beans and peas to climb the weeds of course. Both those vine plants in PP need something to climb or they won't produce nearly as much and also one of the pluses of PP is that it is so tall that it provides it's own cover. That makes deer feel secure and when they feel secure, they'll use your plot more. If only frost didn't kill it so that it could be growing when gun season started.

Yes, it is frustrating when you get a lot of weeds in it. I have one PP plot that has gotten overrun with pig weed after 5 years of PP and I am going to go with RR corn next year just to try to get rid of the pig weed seeds. But I definitely intend to use PP again in the future.
Hunter257W, where have gotten the Pennington equivalent? Just wanting to avoid shipping costs. I see Co-Op is a dealer but Ive never seen it at mine, maybe they can order it for you or something and avoid shipping cost that way tHanks
I've had to get a local Feed & Seed store order it for me. I usually place the order about this time of year to have it in time as May 1 is the date you can start planting.