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Finally connected!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2012
Cleveland, Tn
Plans was to leave for Hickman Co Friday at lunch and hunt that evening.little over a 3 hour drive. Long story short, that didn't happen!!! Got over there about 12:30 that night. Anyway, got set up on some birds gobbling near a food plot and they never would come. So I went after the bird I was wanting to but my brother talked me out of to begin with. After about 350 yard walk he was at the top of the ridge at my dads friend cabin (grassy road) strutting and gobbling at everything I did.
Stood there and watched him for about 20 minutes then the plan happened. Got on the side of the ridge where he couldn't see me and got within 100 yards of him. He finally eased over the other side of the cabin road, then I hauled tail to get closer. Eased over the rise and he was in full strut bout 10 yards in the wood line. I took the shot AND MISSED!!!! Was so mad...
Went to second spot my brother knew (on public) and set up. I was gonna let him and his son shoot since I already had my chance. They set up I set up to the right of them about 25-30 and was actually planning on napping. I would call softly every 15 minutes or so (about 11:00) and then get back on this antler insanity app. Looked over along the field line (that was private about 100 yards away) saw two birds walking right to left. I eased around towards them then saw another one coming to me about 65-70. Never made a sound nothing... I put the red dot on his head at 40 yards and squeezed the trigger!!!! 10 inch beard, weighed 21 lbs 3/4 in spurs (which I think is 1in) but whatever... Don't know how to post pics but I can email them to someone if they wouldn't mind doing. Called another one up Sunday morning for my nephew but he wouldn't committ.... Other than Friday not getting there, was a pretty good weekend.

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