Doubled down Sunday


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
Down South
This story is by a good friend if mine from another forum, he did a good job so I didn't figure I needed to redo it.

Me and YEKRUT had a pretty good weekend turkey hunting.
saturday morning. we got on a bird gobbling his fool head off but was covered up with hens. we moved on him 3 or 4 times and got real close but his hens always took him away from us.

saturday afternoon. we parked the truck at the gate and walk all of 200yds and there's 2 longbeards in the first greenfield. we backed up and set up on the side of the road and called to them. they were gobbling like crazy! we just knew it was about to happen. well wouldn't you know it they had all kinds of hens with them. after moving around a little bit we managed to get 1 to break loose from the group and head our way. well he came in from behind us in the thick pines and under growth and got close enough we could hear him drumming but so thick there was no shot. we ended up trying to get in front of them and we busted them.

sunday morning. we get to where we want to listen and we hear a gobbler 250-300yds away so we set up on a small field where we were standing. of course he has hens with him and they go the other way. so in moving around on that bird we hear several other birds gobbling and ended up setting up on one of them on another field. wouldn't you know it that bird has hens with him as well and guess what he does NOT come in our direction. while sitting there trying to figure out what to do we had a bird slip in behind us and bust us. gobbling had gotten pretty slim by now so as we were walking back to where we started we had a bird gobble less than 150yds from where we first started. we sat down in the EXACT same spot as our first setup. over the next 30-45 mins this bird is gobbling on his own looking for us. well after a little silent streak we give him a call and get no response. a few more mins go by and he gobbles about 300yds past us! he stayed in a bottom to our right and went right on by us. well we hear a bird gobbling out in front of us to our left and decided to stay put for a while. after a little waiting we could hear something walking in the woods behind us. YEKRUT says he sees 3 longbeards right behind us. they came in completely silent and never gobbled not once. well after a good 5mins they finally cross the road and go in the woods to our right. i can see them and 1 is strutting and drumming and turns out there's 5 longbeards in the group. YEKRUT does a little soft calling and here they come. they very carefully come into the field but they know something isn't right. we were hoping for a double but we had our doubts that it would work out. since he killed a bird on friday he said i would have first shot so i took the only shot i had at the only bird i had a shot on. about half of a second after i pulled the trigger YEKRUT fires. BAM! DOUBLE LONGBEARDS!!! the other 3 fly off to be called in and killed another day.

we heard close to 250-300 gobbles between saturday morning at first light and today at 11:00. it was an awesome weekend to say the least!

it was a couple of first for me. my first turkey with my new to me SBE. first bird with TSS and my first ever double on turkeys.




Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
Down South
Andy S. said:
Read his post on OG last night. Congrats to you both, sounds like y'all were in them pretty thick this weekend. Were you hunting public or private land?

Private! Pretty good place too.