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Deepest Water you seen turkeys?

Poser, we grew milo at the edge of one of our duck holes one year and while duck hunting one afternoon i heard turkey noises, looked out of the blind and a dozen hens had waded into the water thigh deep and were walking around pecking seeds off the milo heads.
I just read an article in Alabama Outdoors talking about hunting turkeys in flood water.
The said the birds are totally capable of living in the trees for a few weeks until the water resides. They eat the buds off the new tree growth.
Basically, the turkeys aren't affected by water that much.
Yeah Tom Kelly wrote several stories about "budding" turkeys. Turkeys that live in river bottoms have to make due in river bottom conditions i suppose.
I will never forget, I was hunting in Hatchie years ago, the bottom had been out for weeks, I was just on the edge or the backwater. I knew the area well, not dry ground. Heard one gobble, waded to him, and saw him about 60 yds, he was strutting, water up to his wing joint on the side of his body, looked like a big black swan . He waded out of sight, gobblin his head off.
We busted some up during duck season few years back and they flew everywhere.At daylight we looked and about 10 of them was swimming through our decoys.They swam like Geese LoL

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