CRP/Other Programs?


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
Lawrence County, TN
So for the introduction, I've been going back and forth with my uncle over CRP and other programs as sources of income on his 300 acres vs Ag.

Currently there is 30 acres that is in row crop each year that pays him $2k per year. The rest of the property is 15 year old clear cut. He wants to push out all the ridges to make the rest of the property tillable.

I am against it but I have no ownership in the property but it is hunted by the family, including my uncle and I know if this happens that it will severely impact deer hunting here. My uncle thinks that the property should be capable of producing a yearly income of $10k. I think that this is an unrealistic expectation.

So I thought I would ask here before I went to the local USDA office. I know there are state programs as well. Can the property be enrolled in multiple programs/grants? If so, would $6k in yearly income be unrealistic?

I'm trying to gather and present my uncle with as much information and a way to net him some income while improving the habitat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2006
Cookeville, Tennessee
CRP retires land from production so it might be an option on existing crop acres but wouldn't be applicable on acres that are in trees/brush. I'd go talk to your local NRCS service center to at least get information on the soil types on the farm and a ball park on what they might rent for. Ridge tops are usually not a place I expect to find prime cropland. One question I would have for your uncle is how much is clearing going to cost and how long will it take to recover that investment.

To get to $10k at his current rental rate, he'd need to clear nearly half of the 300 acres, so another 100 acres. I'd say he'd be looking at $800/acre minimum to clear it. Is that even feasible? The payoff would be 8 years if he is able to get $10k/year but that would be going against what he already spent, not in his pocket. That's assuming the farmer will pay "full price" for rough, newly cleared land.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2009
Hickman County TN
Conservation stewardship program (csp) will likely get closer to your payment goal with less out of pocket than CRP. Lots of wildlife and forestry enhancements. Talk to your local nrcs office and ask for a biologist to visit.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
Lawrence County, TN
I did forget to mention that we do own a dozer (D4). So that does cut his cost significantly to clear the land. I was looking into the CSP program. I'll go talk to the local NRCS office
Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
Middle Tennessee
MickThompson":15yxdirm said:
To get to $10k at his current rental rate, he'd need to clear nearly half of the 300 acres, so another 100 acres. I'd say he'd be looking at $800/acre minimum to clear it. Is that even feasible? The payoff would be 8 years if he is able to get $10k/year but that would be going against what he already spent, not in his pocket. That's assuming the farmer will pay "full price" for rough, newly cleared land.

This explains well the first thing I thought of. The return on investment to clear that much land. Plus with the cost to lime and fertilize the "new ground" I doubt the farmer would pay full price in the early years.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
Middle Tennessee
bjohnson":1s5gbzuf said:
I did forget to mention that we do own a dozer (D4). So that does cut his cost significantly to clear the land. I was looking into the CSP program. I'll go talk to the local NRCS office
Thanks guys!

Ouch....yeah having your own dozer makes a difference.....but maybe there's a happy medium.....keep some cover to benefit wildlife and increase some ground to tillable.....will be interesting to see what NRCS office says.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2019
bjohnson":z9gsl5fo said:
So I've talked with him today and he is going to apply for the CSP program. Thanks for your help guys!

I own 380 acre here in KY , around 130 acres can be planted in row crops , the rest is light hills and good for grazing /hunting. I have tried to sign up for CRP and other USDA programs but never get signed up .
NRCS seems to only want creeks buffered off with a grassed boarder from creeks to crop ground . They also tell me that rental payments are not worth the hassle . I think the ones at my local office just don't want to see a farmer like me get a dime from their office. I have a wrong name I guess at my local office.
I would like to find someone who knows the in's and out on these type of programs and could explain to me what I can sign up for.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2009
Hickman County TN
Signing up is very simple.... just ask for forms. If you walk away without signing up...then that's your choice. Mostnecs programs have a year around signup period. Crp is a farm service agency program and it has an open signup period till February.
PM me and I can walk you thru it all.

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