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Crazy weather

How messed up will the turkeys be from this warm weather this early?

Yall think it will effect turkey season any?

I say there will be poults running all through the woods.
bobs burgers wtf GIF
According to the scientists, spring green up is 3w ahead of schedule from central MS south. While it won't affect breeding or nesting timing, you'd be crazy to think it's not going to affect turkey behavior a bit. Especially with birds transitioning from traditional winter grounds to traditional spring grounds a bit earlier than normal. IMO, that's a good thing, as I hate hunting turkeys in winter flocks... just too much feast or famine, too many eyes, and too hard to pull off toms from large groups of hens that aren't receptive yet (unless you get lucky and find a satellite bird on the periphery of the large flock).

4 weeks to go till juvie season in MS, this will be my last year to take one of my kids hunting, as Sophia is 15. But it's gonna be tough season, as my 1000 ac lease that had some birds last year has been sold to destroy some fine pine habitat to build an electric vehicle manufacturing plant :( Gonna start scouting public in 2 weeks, hopefully I can find a bird for us to chase.
It is starting to remind me of the spring several years ago where we had an early green up. All of the trees were budded out by the end of March.

On opening day, it was 15 deg. in Stewart Co, and didn't get above freezing that day. It turned most of the treetops black from the freeze. No mast at all that fall.
Yep, remember it well. Some of our oaks on hillsides were frozen from top, half way down, the bottom half were green. Very weird looking when only the top half of leaves fell off. Only time in my life to see that!

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