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I have seen them chase as far as middle of February. Thats the latest I've ever personally witnessed. And I've seen a newborn fawn in the middle of November.
Just remember that some female fawns don't reach "puberty" until January or February and can come into estrus at that time. In addition, a small percentage of adult females cannot conceive, but will keep coming back into estrus over and over until spring, causing a flurry of chasing each time they do. Latest I've seen estrus chasing was the first week of April in southern KY.
I saw a buck chasing a doe in April in Jackson County about 3-4 years ago. It's up there as one of the weirdest things I've ever seen while turkey hunting. He still had both sides with a very impressive rack.
We had at least two September fawns last year at our place in Wayne Co. That would be a Feb breed date. Found two sheds last weekend & then got a pic of a buck chasing.
We had at least two September fawns last year at our place in Wayne Co. That would be a Feb breed date. Found two sheds last weekend & then got a pic of a buck chasing.
For whatever reason, some does just have a "screwy" genetically built in estrus timing. For years I had an old doe on my place - easily identified by a bold black stripe down the bridge of her nose - that would still be pregnant when I started my summer baited photo census August 1 every year. She would eventually give birth in mid-August. Nothing seemed to be wrong with her other than she had a very late estrus timing of late January or early February. And that's in an area with a peak breeding the first half of November. When it comes to genetics, Nature gets around to trying everything.

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