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Black Warrior Hog Hunt, Double Springs AL


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2012
Tennesssee, US
Hey guys,

So I am giong to try and jump some hogs at the Black Warrior this weekend and next Wednesday-Sunday. Hoping to get some good scouting in this weekend and then have a solid plan for the following week.

I hear its not uncommon to log 5-10 miles on a successful hunt. Time to lace up the good hiking boots :) . I'll post pics if successful and hopefully have a cooler full of wild porkers!

Anyone else plannign to go? The permit for 10-day hunt is only 58$ for non resident hunters and I have heard success rates are pretty good for those willing to go the distance.

I just hope I can get out of town before the big snow hits Friday night.
Walked my butt off.. 5 miles up and down the ridges each day. Didn't jump any hogs but I am going back Wednesday for some reason lol. There is a ton of sign though.

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