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Big Yote


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
Lebanon, TN
Is it me or is this a big coyote for around here. I'm judging by knowing the land and surroundings. In the last 10 days I've probably gotten 60 pics of coyotes and some pics have 4-5 in them. Looks like I'm going to have to do some yote hunting before they ruin my deer.

I've never purposely hunted coyotes, I've just shot some by chance while deer or turkey hunting. It's my understanding I can hunt them year 'round. I've always worried that if I took my stand out to coyote hunt when it wasn't deer or turkey season a warden would accuse me of hunting deer or turkey out of season. How do you address that? I do have an electronic call. Not sure I've ever put batteries in it. A friend borrowed an expensive hinge release from me and left a brand new box with the call in it and I called him about my release like 8 mos later and he'd moved out of state. So I guess he has a release and I have a call.

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I guess the numbers increase has surprised me. Since I bought the property in 2019 I'd seen one on this property and it was too far away to shoot. Never got one on camera though and probably over 300 pics since this past August and about 60 in the last 10 days,

Not sure what's all of the sudden made my property so inviting. I do have around 65 doe on my property so maybe they see it as a good food source. I imagine when fawns are dropping they'll really come out in numbers.
Without something as a reference, it's hard to say if it is a big coyote or just typical sized. It looks healthy though.

You can hunt them year round, but during archery and muzzleloader seasons you can only hunt them with the weapons that season is open for. So you cannot take a rifle during archery or muzzleloader to go after coyotes. Now is a great time to get after them. They typically mate in late January into March.
I have a ton of guns but mostly self-defense oriented guns. I do have one hunting rifle and one hunting shotgun but haven't carried a gun in the woods in over 20 years.

I just worry it would be my luck a warden would pop up and accuse me of hunting another animal out of season.
I have a ton of guns but mostly self-defense oriented guns. I do have one hunting rifle and one hunting shotgun but haven't carried a gun in the woods in over 20 years.

I just worry it would be my luck a warden would pop up and accuse me of hunting another animal out of season.
I discussed keeping a gun in the truck with the twra for the very purpose of killing coyotes. They told me that was fine. A caveat to this is they have known me for 30+ years and that I play by the rules.
That looks like a good sized male to me. I've trapped four in the last few weeks on my place and haven't even put a dent in them. I heard three different groups last night and had cell pics as well. I've never seen them this thick in my area. I had them trapped out at one point.
Get to coyote hunting. Where is the property? Maybe you told me you bought some but I guess my invitation to hunt was lost in the mail. 😤😝😂

Probably a good idea to meet up with your local game warden and tell him of your plans to see what you can and can't do.
A real good friend and client of mine is a warden so I called him last night and also texted him so there would be a paper trail of my intentions floating out there just in case I was accused of something.

I got maybe 40 more pics overnight and the majority are between 12-3AM, don't get as many broad daylight pics like the one above. Maybe 1 out of every 20.
That looks like a good sized male to me. I've trapped four in the last few weeks on my place and haven't even put a dent in them. I heard three different groups last night and had cell pics as well. I've never seen them this thick in my area. I had them trapped out at one point.
I've gotten some bigguns on camera but was deleting them mostly because I was still focused on deer season. Some of them were big enough that Moultrie tagged them as does.
I've also got some big bobcats on camera this year and had never had them previously, not anywhere close to as many as yotes though. Also got more racoons this year. One thing I haven't got since I reactivated these cams in Aug is a single squirrel tripping the camera or a skunk. I used to get that regularly in the past.

Almost forgot, this property was EAT UP with turkeys since I bought it and I have 6 cameras that average about 1800 pics apiece a month and I have ONE pic with a turkey since Aug.
I've gotten some bigguns on camera but was deleting them mostly because I was still focused on deer season. Some of them were big enough that Moultrie tagged them as does.
Your place sounds just like what is happening at mine. Lots of adult coyotes, a few bobcats showing up and the turkeys vanishing.

I caught the biggest coyote ive ever seen a few days ago and dang if there wasn't another big one on camera last night. I set some traps today so hopefully i can have number 5 before the weekend is out.
I use a 22 revolver. No, the deer never get in traps i guess due to the distance from the hole, etc. If they do a leg hold will not hold them because they have hooves instead of paws. I have been trapping for several years and ive only had one incidental catch and it was not a deer. It needs to be taken seriously and they need to be set properly but its the best way ive found to get yotes.

Caught the 5th coyote in last 30 days this morning. I put some pics of him in the trapping forum. I had that young male on cam two nights ago a long way from that set. Chopped venison carcass did him in.
Since TWRA has lied about CWD data, I would just use XYLITOL on them , and lie that you didn't use it if someone questions you! It can't be traced or detected . Just don't get it around your dogs. It kill ALL canines. Legally , it's not a poison. It's a sweetener used in all kinds of human foods. So don't get your panties in a wad over using legal science to rid your farm of vermin. Just like Coumadin ( trade name) that is used for blood thinning in humans is used to control rats….. but it's called warfarin.

TN doesn't allow you to hunt them at night so how do you hurt their numbers unless you play dirty. If you don't do predator control you can kiss your turkeys and deer goodbye.

And yes I believe in carpet bombing in warfare!
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Since TWRA has lied about CWD data, I would just use XYLITOL on them , and lie that you didn't use it if someone questions you! It can't be traced or detected . Just don't get it around your dogs. It kill ALL canines. Legally , it's not a poison. It's a sweetener used in all kinds of human foods. So don't get your panties in a wad over using legal science to rid your farm of vermin. Just like Coumadin ( trade name) that is used for blood thinning in humans is used to control rats….. but it's called warfarin.

TN doesn't allow you to hunt them at night so how do you hurt their numbers unless you play dirty. If you don't do predator control you can kiss your turkeys and deer goodbye.

And yes I believe in carpet bombing in warfare!
I've got to try something different. 99.9% of the pics are at night. I sat in the cold from dark to dark Fri & Sat running different calls, mainly distressed rabbit and nothing. 2 1/2hrs after sunset they were swarming.
I've got to try something different. 99.9% of the pics are at night. I sat in the cold from dark to dark Fri & Sat running different calls, mainly distressed rabbit and nothing. 2 1/2hrs after sunset they were swarming.
Your call….. yotes eat after dark too! Ha!

Likely 1/2 of TnDeer will brush their teeth in Xylitol tonight, but if your dog eats it, it will die.
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I've got to try something different. 99.9% of the pics are at night. I sat in the cold from dark to dark Fri & Sat running different calls, mainly distressed rabbit and nothing. 2 1/2hrs after sunset they were swarming.
we have called them for a long long time. if they are gonna come they will be there in 10 minutes usually

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