Bald Eagles

Union Co. Boy

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2008
Have pictures from 2 weeks ago of one in a sycamore tree at my house in Claiborne County and have had several flying around above my stands in Benton County this season. It's awesome to see em!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2020
Had a very large mature one fly in front of me for about a quarter mile just a few yards in front of my Tahoe a few feet off the ground returning from hunting yesterday afternoon. Spectacular and magnificent to watch those wide wings and large white tail feathers and head making its way down a narrow wooded road. It landed in a low branch hanging over the road. Tried to get the recording from my dash cam but it was over written due to full memory card.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2006
east tn
Seen 1 almost get hit by a car trying to get to a dead skunk 1 day this week,years ago I seen a red tailed hawk setting on a road killed deer eating it, had never thought about them being scavengers, all the shows growing up showed them all hunting or grabbing fish, reckon the real world is you take your meals wherever you find them


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
Many years ago (late 80s, early 90s) we had one of only 19 mated pairs of bald eagles in the state (at the time) on our place. There were pictures of the eagles on their nest at the local deer check station (The Store at Exit 143 on I-40). That pair's offspring populated the entire region. I really miss seeing them. They passed away years ago. Still see the occasional eagle, but not very often. Back when we still had the nested pair, we had a food plot in the valley below their nest. It was so cool to see them drift down just above the plot looking for rabbits. Was hunting on a ridge-top above the plot and had one of the adult eagles landed on a limb about 15 feet from me. At that close distance you realize what HUGE birds they are. Kinda made me nervous being looked up and down by such a huge predator.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
Never seen any wild ones up my way other than at Dale Hollow until a couple weeks ago. Live in Cookeville at the edge of the city, opened the backdoor to step out and get a dip one Saturday morning and noticed a large bird take off from the empty/grown up lot next to me (subdivision, ugh...). The wingspan got my attention so I focused in on him as he lit in a tree. I was absolutely floored at what I was seeing. No chance that's a bald eagle. Grabbed binos for a better look since they were close and sure enough. By the time I got the wife to get out there he took off though. As I was telling her there story she let me know our youngest daughter's school posted a picture of one on their campus a week earlier. School isn't far from us at all so potentially the same one or same family group. Still baffled to see one in my backyard.

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