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Anybody ever had one come to a...


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2010
Wilson Co.
Anybody ever had coyotes respond to a turkey call? Me and a buddy were out scouting and calling for yotes but never had any respond until my buddy started messing around with his turkey call. Is this normal or coincidence?
Back in 1987..first year i turkey hunted.. I put a scope on my citori and bought a little push rod turkey box call.. got all set up.. made a few sounds.. must have sounded more like a turkey in distress than a hen looking for love.. 5 minutes later a coyote jumped out in front of me at about 10 yards.. I tried but could never find it in the scope in the half second he gave me for a shot...LOL
A few years ago the first time I turkey hunted a place I was calling. Had a coyote come in but I didn't shoot him since it was opening morning and my first time to hunt this place. Another time I was turkey hunting with a buddy and a bobcat came in. It crouched and started stalking him. It finally started to pounce and he jumped up and that thing turned and hauled butt. He was maybe two feet away where he kicked the pine needles up. That cat thought he was gonna get a 200+ lb turkey. All that said I've never gone out predator hunting so not sure if it would work often or not.
Must be just up to the yote. We're just starting to experiment with calling them so maybe it will become a last resort call.
Years ago, I saw a bunch of turkeys in a neighbor's field across from my creek. I started calling to them to see if I could get them to come closer. Five minutes later a coyote was directly across the creek from me five - eight yards. I jumped out from behind the tree so he wouldn't come any closer. Funny all the things you see when your don't have a gun with you.
Coyotes, bobcats and bears, oh my! I've had all three show up when I was running a turkey call. In some places, such as south Mississippi, wild hogs will come to a turkey call.
Had a bobcat come in this year but the only yote that showed up was the last day of season and he was just cruising through. He got to 15 yards from the decoys looked up saw them and about had a heart attack. He made a sound like he got punched in the gut and took off. Lucky pup I was just starting to pull the trigger when he spun away.

I have them come to a fawn bleat first one I ever killed was with a bow that did that.
I bought one of those hen squealer calls a couple years ago , as soon as I blew the stinking thing I said it sounded like a predator call , lol...well I tried it out the next morning while turkey hunting and immediately had two yotes come running into the field I was hunting...that was the last time I used that call , but I think im gonna dig it out and see if I can blast a yote sometime soon

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