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Another saltwater fishing question


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
I just landed this.
Not sure what it is ?

Ha! I have been looking for that.

Two funny stories. I used to run over to anything floating in the gulf in hopes of finding a square grouper or a duffel bag full of cash.

One time I saw a black object bobbing up and down. Normally I would have ignored it thinking it was a stone crab trap buoy but it was going completely under the water and then coming back up. As I approached I was shocked to see that it was a dead raccoon that had about a 15lb Triple Tail chewing on his pecker. I caught the TT and threw it in the cooler. I sent pictures of the fish to all of my buddies except one who I was going to meet later that evening. When we met I gave him the fish and told him I was running late and didn't want to mess with it. He cleaned and ate it that evening and the next morning at the dock everybody was laughing because he was the guy who ate the pecker-eating fish.

Another time I saw a big blue object floating off in the distance. As I got closer I realized it was a sealed 55 gallon plastic drum. It had one of those metal bands on the lid that you tighten with a screw driver. We were so convinced that we hit pay dirt but we couldn't lift it in the boat. My buddy(same one who ate the fish in the first story) jumped in the water and took the lid off. When he did, out came 55 gallons of rotten shrimp trash. Shrimp trash is bycatch from a shrimp net. It's mostly small reef fish and other marine life. No idea why it was in the barrel but he was covered in it.
Heroin, marijuana, or any other chemical sold on the streets. Don't open it and take it to the police. You don't want to be caught with "possession of a controlled substance."
That fish is known by two different names depending on where it's caught. Some areas, it's referred to as "goingtojail" and other areas, it's called "earlyretirement"…………..
That fish is known by two different names depending on where it's caught. Some areas, it's referred to as "goingtojail" and other areas, it's called "earlyretirement"…………..
Or 20-30 to life? Make sure the stripes run up and down. They make you look taller. The other way makes you look heavier.:D

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