.45 caliber pistol bullets in .45-70 loads?

.444 Marlin

Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Benton, Polk Co. Tenn.
Ive been loading my own for close to 15 years but ive never used pistol bullets in rifle loads. My question is, can I use .45cal 300gr jsp pistol bullets in my. 45-70 loads as long as they are the same weight and design? Right now all I have is 300gr jhp factory loads to get by with Untill I get bullets to reload for the 45-70.
Seems like you could. Only thing is (to my knowledge) pistol 45 cal bullets are .452 in diameter while rifle 45s are .458 in diameter.

I'd see how the pistols bullets fit in the barrel of the 45-70. Might be a little on the loose side and accuracy would be affected.
I would think they would kind of rattle down the barrel 45 pisto (45 acp) 0.451 di. and 45 rifle (45-70) 458 di. But who know I am sure it has been done.
That's what I was thinking. Went ahead and bought a box of 325gr FTX so I know they would work. Probably gonna load them the same velocity as the factory 300s so the accuracy will be roughly the same.
never thought about that. I used to load cast bullets but they were made by a old friend of mine in WV and i never got around to buying all of the stuff to do it. unfortunatley i lost contact with the guy.
You can knurl them with a hand file to bring them up in size but I don't think you'll ever get a .452 bullet to .458 with knurling.

If you're just looking for a load to shoot <50 yards or so just for plinking I'd say the pistol bullets will work. But for hunting situations I'd stick with the .458s. Barnes Originals work nicely in 45-70s.
Well now that the bullet decision is taken care of. Does anyone know of a 325gr load using imr3031, imr4895, imr4350, varget, benchmark, h414 or 335? I really dont want to go spend $40 on a pound of powder for this one gun/load.

Also ive read that standard length brass wont work with the FTX 325 because of the OAL being too long for modern lever actions? And would it be safe to use 350gr loads for these 325s? I read that it should be since the pressure would be so much lower.
I have loaded the 325 FTX bullets in standard brass for three different rifles, two of which were lever actions. My pet load for the FTX-325 uses 42.6 grains of Reloader 7 which I've had excellent results out of for 45-70 loads from light charged target plinkers to moderate and heavy huntingloads with either cast or jacketed bullets.

IMR-4895 is another excellent powder for the 45-70. I don't have any loads memorized but look at a 300 grain load in the manual and look at a 350 grain load. Compare their statrting loads and you should be able to get an idea of where to begin. If you are shooting a strong single shot you have more of a safety buffer. But Marlin?Winchester lever-actions are very strong so as long as you don't run stupid you should be fine!

Give Reloader 7 a try. It's about $25-28 per pound. It burns clean and performs well in doses from 34-50 grains in lever-actions with various 300 grain bullets. As stated earlier, 42.6 grains of Reloader 7 shoots very well in a Marlin Guide Gun with those FTX-325's. My 1886 Winchester does not like those bullets but does well with any weight cast lead bullet. I have some 300 grain hollow point jacketed bullets that the same 42.6 grain charge of RX7 that my '86 will shoot into one big ragged hole. They are absolutely effective on deer and most likely would be on bears and hogs as well.

IMR-4198 is another excellent 45-70 powder but I see you do not list it among the ones you have. I like the IMR powders because they are clean and bulk up well in the case.I even like how they smell! My best accuracy in the 45-70 is always when I have little to no space between the base of the bullet and the top of the powder column.
I will second all that 348Winchester said, in addition to H335 being good for the 45/70 levergun loads, and I have heard of some people having success out of Varget. I know that the H335 was known for having a high level of muzzle flash in this cartridge. When I had a 45/70 I used RL7, Unique, and 2400, but have heard that the two flavors of 4198 are equally as good as the RL7. I used the 2400 for midrange loads, and the Unique for "mouse fart" loads that any woman or kid could shoot. I know that my Marlin Guide Gun with 320 and 420gr cast bullets ahead of RL7 was the cat's pajamas on anything from deer to toothy critters, although I only used it on the former. Also, I loved the Starline brass for the 45/70, if it matters.
The gun ill be shooting it in is the marlin 1895 22" barrel. Ive had the guide rifle and loaded it farely hot and never had any problems besides headaches from recoil lol