3 year old Wide deer


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
This deer was shot in a neighbor's backyard eating chicken feed! My son and I let it go several times! That's hunting, I enjoyed watching him!
Dang that's a shame! But I don't blame anybody for taking him. He'd raise the heartbeat of most any hunter. Hopefully he was the buck of a lifetime for the hunter who took him.
He has took a couple better ones in that backyard lol but he was excited. He has 1 acre up against my 129 and in-laws 413 lol! Good guy that uses EVERY part of the animal.
He has took a couple better ones in that backyard lol but he was excited. He has 1 acre up against my 129 and in-laws 413 lol! Good guy that uses EVERY part of the animal.

Well you can't be mad at that. Sucks to not know what he could have become, but on the other hand it'd be real hard not to be happy for the fellow who got him.

At least you know. Last time I was watching a young giant, he went from a regular visitor to suddenly being gone. No idea if he got shot, hit by car, or just wandered off somewhere else.
Well you can't be mad at that. Sucks to not know what he could have become, but on the other hand it'd be real hard not to be happy for the fellow who got him.

At least you know. Last time I was watching a young giant, he went from a regular visitor to suddenly being gone. No idea if he got shot, hit by car, or just wandered off somewhere else.
Yelp! The guy that took him is a good guy and appreciates the heck outta of it'
Its hard to get a good 3.5 yr old buck to the next year. At least he didn't get ran over or poached. Most hunters are happy to pull the trigger on them. But if I kill them I know they aren't going to make it. I get enjoyment figuring them out. The rut over here seemed off this year for some reason. Heck I seen a spike chasing a doe Tuesday morning.
This 2yr old disappeared just before season opened last year. The only reason I know nearly certain he was 2yrs is because he was part of a three buck group that had been grouped up since early winter as yearlings. They stayed in the center of the property a lot and were on multiple cams daily. I got to watch them bum around as yearlings, drop their horns, then sprout new ones and grow real racks over summer. They were always together and this big 8 was the dominant one the entire time. I'm 99% sure that is him in the middle of the bottom pic according to attitude, size, and shape.

I thought maybe he just wandered off because it was the right time of year for groups to break up. It was odd that the other two stayed in the area but he never showed up again. Haven't seen him since. It's common for bucks to disappear like that but I usually catch a random pic or two of them as they revisit the old stomping grounds. And since he was obviously the dominant in his age class, I figured the others would have been the ones to leave. But they're wild. They don't follow my rules. I sure would have liked to see what a buck like that could have become at ages 4, 5, & 6. He's by far the biggest 2yr old I've seen on cam since doing this stuff. Second place isn't even close. A lot of 4yr olds didn't have frames like that.



Eating chicken feed? So would that kill be legal on one acre?
Sounds like baiting…. Maybe duck and goose hunters can say they're using corn for their chickens and dogfood for their retrievers…. or maybe he was protecting the chicken feed from predators
Eating chicken feed? So would that kill be legal on one acre?
My thought is that it depends on the man who did the shooting…. There are scoundrels who can hardly make a good deer legal and other men who can hardly do it wrong. As written by the OP, I don't believe the shooter violated any ethics whatsoever. Nice deer! 😀

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