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2 miles of game fence.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2006
Adamsville ,Tn
Found out today the man next to my farm,(Peyton Hillis, of the Kanasas City Cheifs) is putting a game fence between our properties. Thing about it its open on both ends. Have never sit foot on his land but makes me feel like he thinks I have been. Thinking about intruducing myself.
It sure wouldn't hurt to introduce yourself. Once you do that, you are no longer the nameless/faceless neighbor who may be a threat but you become a real person with a face who is showing good will. A few minutes of talking can do wonders.
First thought was" Wow I would like to be able to own afarm 2 miles on one side"
Shucks I would just be glad to be able to afford a fence that tall and that long.
Bet you will find him to be a good guy. Good luck.
First thought was" Wow I would like to be able to own afarm 2 miles on one side"
Shucks I would just be glad to be able to afford a fence that tall and that long.
Bet you will find him to be a good guy. Good luck.
Hunter 257W said:
It sure wouldn't hurt to introduce yourself. Once you do that, you are no longer the nameless/faceless neighbor who may be a threat but you become a real person with a face who is showing good will. A few minutes of talking can do wonders.

It may not hurt you at all, I have 2 different tracts for sale in KY for clients that join and wrap around a corner of a high fence.
Its been in place for about 15 years that I know of and its over 7,000 ft long on there side, the deer travel around that cover well.
And during late season bucks cruise that fence scent checking does.
Find some low areas where that fence crosses ditches and creeks. THESE WILL DEFINITELY be crossing areas between the properties. And believe me it won't take much space for even a large buck to go under the fence.

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