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2 Coyotes vs a Deer


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Franklin TN
Why do people always call animal control....

I saw a pack of coyotes try to get 2 deer, the deer ran past me at full speed with 1 yote on the tail of one of the deer, but it couldn't keep up and fell back, that's when I noticed 3 or 4 other yotes scattered across the field.
Deer likely had an existing injury or it would never have been an option for the Coyotes to catch it. It wouldnt have stayed around as long as it did I dont think if it wasnt injured? Ive watched adult deer and coyotes interact many times and while the deer will keep a lil distance they dont pay much attn to the Coyotes. Now does with fawns are another story!
So...Winchester, you don't think coyotes catch adult deer unless they have a prexisting injury?
pass-thru said:
So...Winchester, you don't think coyotes catch adult deer unless they have a prexisting injury?
I think it happens rarely that a healthy adult deer is caught and killed by Coyotes! I know a few exceptions apply like deep winter snow and heavy yarding in the far North, but overall very rarely imo!
"The coyotes couldn't coordinate their attack on the deer".lol,seems like their plan of wearing it out until it passed out was working just fine!
That deer was kinda wabblin in the back end, as I watch the video, either it had somethin wrong with it or when it spun around and fell it hurt its self then! I would have been lighting some yotes up!

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