#2 Boss down


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
Middle Tennessee
We got setup on the side of a deep hollow this evening. I made a series of yelps to see if we could locate a gobbler. I had a hen to start yelping back on the opposite ridge. We played back and forth for an hour or so. Finally a Tom gobbles all the hen talk must have got him excited. He would gobble at me every time I called for about 30 minutes then he went quiet. After about another hour of talking back and forth with one of the hens I just went quiet. After about 30 minutes of her calling to me but no response she decided to come have a look. She is now standing about 30 yards from us. After about 15 minutes she started calling to the group and they start working off the ridge. We could hear the gobbler drumming on his way down. He was the first one to step out and she ran over to him. They are about 40 yards away and I need him to come to 30 so my boy would feel comfortable making the shot. She started running circles around him and gets him excited. He has his way with her. Once done another hen comes in and does the same thing. They would never come any close so he give me a shot at 50 and I'm comfortable with that shot. The group had 5 jakes in it so I am excited about that. He was also a butterball. weighed around 25 pounds 10 inch beard 1 1/4 and 1 3/8 spurs


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2005
Wow, giant! Way to be patient for sure, I would have screwed that up an hour earlier by moving in. Congrats

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