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1st Timer here


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2009
Hamilton, Co TN
Guys I have never killed a turkey before and I'm looking forward to it!! I have a small piece of property I can hunt but it is covered up with turkey!! The place has lots of hills and thickets, not flat at all.

My question is would you setup at the top or bottom of the ridge??

Any info would be awesome!!
hard to answer without ever seeing it and what not....Generally speaking you want to get above a bird or level if possible but again thats generally speaking.

A lot depends on where the bird is and what the terrain flow is. once on the ground the general rule is the bird will take the path of least resistance so dont make it difficult for him to get to you.
^^^^about the best advice to be given. Keep an ear out for em'...things are fixing to start changing in the next couple of weeks.
Yep, what REN said... avoid the tickets and make sure there are no steep bluffs or anything like that between you and the birds... they don't like to fly much once on the ground.

[size]NOTE: all rules are subject to change without notification...[/size]
Make your 1st hunts observation hunts. Learn their travel routes and learn the woods. A creek is a good travel route to get in front of them. Dont over call and call soft. Alot of times they will follow deer trails. Really cant explain how to hunt your land. Just treat every trip as a learning experience.
Good luck and enjoy the hunt
Thanks for all the info!! I know it's hard to tell what to do when you have never seen the land but I thank all of you for your info!! Can't wait to get after them and see what happens!!

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