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10 Pt poached in WalMart parking Lot

There was a guy in Mississippi near my parents house that shot a big buck from the Mcdonalds parking lot which was right across the street from walmart. This was about 10 years ago. I believe they let him keep the deer and cited him for discharging a weapon.
True story, a couple years ago, I stopped at the Kroger's in Paris, and a very nice 130-class mature buck just came strolling across the parking lot there. Last time I saw him, looked like he was headed towards Walmart, not kidding about that either.
Wes Parrish said:
True story, a couple years ago, I stopped at the Kroger's in Paris, and a very nice 130-class mature buck just came strolling across the parking lot there. Last time I saw him, looked like he was headed towards Walmart, not kidding about that either.

It also wasn't too long ago that a deer busted through one of the windows in that little shopping complex beside Kroger. My office joins the land where all those deer hang out. There are some definite bruisers in there.
Bullfrog said:
Wes Parrish said:
True story, a couple years ago, I stopped at the Kroger's in Paris, and a very nice 130-class mature buck just came strolling across the parking lot there. Last time I saw him, looked like he was headed towards Walmart, not kidding about that either.

It also wasn't too long ago that a deer busted through one of the windows in that little shopping complex beside Kroger. My office joins the land where all those deer hang out. There are some definite bruisers in there.
I've also seen deer around that area in the past, but nothing like this one that just came walking thru the Kroger's parking lot, like he owned the place. Seemed to know where he was headed.
I knew it was a matter of time,WALMART GUIDE SERVICE!! Think about it, buy a weapon, buy ammo and get big game license, walk outside, load gun up, shoot a buck, load him up, oh do I have plenty of vacume bags before I go home!! :D